Anxiety and Depression

1555431548Anxiety and depression are two sides of one coin.

Anxiety can feel as if you are getting closer to the edge of a cliff, where going over the edge becomes a free fall into paralyzing states of panic. Those feelings consume you entirely as you inch closer and closer to that edge with a sense of having no control whatsoever, and movement of any kind feels restrictive at best.

Symptoms of anxiety are as unique as fingerprints, always triggered by various outside stimuli, perceived in a way that creates symptoms in the form of feelings in the body. Weighted feelings of anxiety swallow you up. Shifting into the energy of empowerment versus victimhood in these anxious moments seems near impossible.

Depression, the flip side of the anxiety coin, can be equally as challenging and often experienced simultaneously with anxiety. Feeling depressed may best be described as a slow, torturous walk through thick molasses or quicksand.

Depression can have crippling effects, causing immense sadness and deep despair, where little to no movement happens despite our greatest heart’s desire to get out of the heavy darkness as quickly as possible.

Anxiety overall is a fantastic catalyst to freedom

The beginning of freedom is the realization that you are not the thinker.
The moment you start watching the thinker,
a higher level of consciousness becomes activated.

You then begin to realize that there is a vast realm of intelligence beyond thought, that thought is only a tiny aspect of that intelligence. You also realize that all the things that truly matter – beauty, love, creativity,
joy, inner peace – arise from beyond the mind. You begin to awaken.

– Eckhart Tolle

This pivotal point of gaining power over anxiety is where we begin to learn this strange new language of the body. This language allows for continual receipt of vital messages and insight from within that were there all along to help us learn and grow into never-ending better versions of ourselves.

The process of gaining freedom results in the slow and steady building of a strong and stable foundation via daily self-care practices that embrace everything we can control – our thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Then, we learn ways to traverse through this abyss, creating and cultivating healthy lifestyle changes that take us way beyond the surface, quick fixes that cannot be maintained or sustained into such incredible depths of growth that can change and transform us from the inside out. Once here, there is no going back!

Anxiety Img 2Overcome depression by riding the wave.

Like an ocean wave, learning ways to get out ahead of depression can lend to the beauty of syncing to, aligning with, and masterfully riding the wave until its momentum softens and slows, as it inevitably always does, the ride ending with the graceful kissing of the beach, a sense of grounding.

Learning to source the body’s wisdom in efforts to be solidly poised and positioned ahead of the waves, ready for the exhilarating ride, comes in time, with a dedicated practice in all the ways that support body, mind, and spirit from within.

Investing into Self in this way is the most incredible ride. Our attention to the twists and turns throughout the infinite depth of self-exploration and discovery serves to grow your light, your inner flame, bigger and brighter than ever before.

Achieve, maintain, and sustain balance and growth.

The secret to life is that you already have the power! If you can change your mind, you can change your life. You don’t need any amount of money, connections, or education. You just need to be in control of your mind. All you’re really doing is programming your mind. This is the secret so many people overlook and underestimate in life. The key to success is overcoming your Self, limiting beliefs, and aligning yourself with the energy you want in life.
You can be, do, and have anything.

– Unknown

Symptoms of anxiety and depression are as unique as the individual and neurological. Nourishing and nurturing the brain and the nervous system creates balance and cultivates a calm body and clear mind. Committing to the work of using the feelings in the body as a compass, a guide to the mind, where then becoming the watcher of our thoughts creates a new mindset, new feelings, and a new life.

You can attain balance and growth by cultivating a daily practice that evolves as you do. These practices are vital in your efforts to savor all the positive changes made thus far and support continued progress.

We can work together to help you learn the necessary practices and state of mind to overcome your anxiety and depression.