Life Transitions

1568714104Coping with change is challenging.

Significant life changes and transitions can make for a bumpy ride, abruptly moving us whether we are ready or not. Those changes can make us feel disoriented and in desperate need of an anchor.

Meeting this need on all levels, physical, mental/emotional, and spiritual, is the ideal balance on this journey. Life transitions are a natural part of the journey, yet a part we also so naturally want to resist and avoid.

The deliciousness of the unknown is often not so delicious at first, with our limited and skewed perspective and our egos screaming for things to stay the same even when circumstances are no longer serving our highest and best.

Yet, time moves us, usually kicking and screaming with arms crossed and pouty lips.

Overcoming fear makes adjustment easier.

“The dark does not destroy the light; it defines it.
It’s our fear of the dark that casts our joy into the shadows.”

– Brené Brown

2167764099Seeking guidance through therapy helps you focus on a higher perspective and supports a slow and steady shift in how you view the change and transition. Such guidance provides you with specific tools, exercises, and practices of softening, surrendering, trusting, and opening up to that change.

By being open to the possibilities that come with change and transitions, you can gain a higher perspective that anticipates new opportunities. In essence, you learn to honor the intuitive feminine energy, power of the present moment, and divinity within each unfolding, helping you face those transitions.

I can help you use that newfound energy, taking you to a beautiful place of acceptance of all that is, precisely as it is. This new mindset grounded in what is happening allows you to see and learn lessons that provide freedom through this growth and change.

Nobody can fall so low unless he has a great depth.
If such a thing can happen to a man,

it challenges his best and highest on the other side; that is to say, this depth corresponds to a potential height, and the blackest darkness to a hidden light.
– Carl Jung