Walk-and-Talk Therapy

1913687344Experience the healing effects of nature.

Walk-and-talk therapy is a form of psychotherapy performed while walking outdoors in public places. I offer walk-and-talk sessions as an optional treatment modality.

Walking sessions typically occur at a park, on a trail, at the beach, etc. Some clients enjoy the experience of movement while talking or feel more comfortable talking side-by-side rather than sitting face-to-face in an office.

I love walk-and-talk therapy most for its opportunity to commune with nature and the elements, which always lends to experiences with greater depth. Nature is healing, and the experience includes simultaneous grounding as it helps elevate body, mind, and spirit to become in sync with the energy surrounding us. This experience enhances the process, sweetens the journey, and brings a level of peace and balance to soften, open, and receive that much more.

Most of us spend our days inside.

Throughout our days, we are typically pinched off from nature and therefore don’t regularly benefit from all it offers.

Scientifically, nature has been proven to uplift mood and increase connectivity while restoring balance within the nervous system and even reducing inflammation and other unhealthy effects of stress.

Unwind in the forest of your mind. Let your senses adjust to calmness. Our natural state is free from weight when we are one with the world around us.
─ Unknown

552655030Participants must agree to several terms.

If you are interested, we will decide beforehand if it is clinically appropriate for your situation. You can use walk-and-talk sessions intermittently or regularly and discontinue them at any time. If you participate in walk-and-talk, you understand and agree to the following terms:

There are risks associated with any general outdoor activity. Participation means that you agree to assume the risks and that I am not liable for such risks. Hazards may include stumbling on uneven surfaces, bee stings, sunburn, twisted ankle, etc.

You must have no known health problems or medical conditions that could limit your ability to participate safely, and you assume all health risks associated with this activity. Because walk-and-talk sessions are outdoors, there is some risk to confidentiality. For example, there is the possibility of encountering a person one of us knows, someone may overhear some of our conversations, or someone may recognize me as a mental health professional.

I will be acting as a mental health professional under the scope of my mental health license – not as a fitness trainer or in any other capacity.

You certify that you have adequate insurance to cover any injury or damage you may experience while participating in walk-and-talk sessions or that you agree to bear the costs of such injury or damage.

Stroll through nature to clear your mind.

Experiencing nature provides a level of mindfulness that is hard to achieve in an office setting. Our walks and discussions allow us to converse in a peaceful setting that makes discussing even the most complex issues less stressful.

Walk-and-Talk therapy may be the experience that makes a difference.

Let me be your walking partner as we explore what’s on your mind and heart.