Individual Therapy for Women of All Ages

1998081287Embrace Change.

No matter what age, a common thread connects us all – a powerful desire to learn, grow, and expand. We do this best through Change and Challenge Awareness and Mastery. Within each session and through sessions over time, you will receive support and guidance through this process.

Life works with us in this sense – as change is the only thing constant for us all. No one is exempt from change. It is a rhythm throughout creation seen not only in our lives, but in the world around us. Nature offers us beautiful and magical examples of this vital life lesson everywhere and all the time.

At a certain point, we grow weary of trying to resist and fight against change. We want to yield and perhaps even lean into it so that the experience is more like riding a wave versus getting swallowed up. But how?

Awareness comes first, followed by Mastery.

Meet the Challenge!

Like with change, we do not go through this life experience without challenge. And like change, our knee-jerk reaction is to resist and fight.

We expend energy trying to change, fix, and control it. These efforts occur in vain, deplete us, and sink us further into a victim stance.

In truth, nothing outside of us is within our control. A simple shift in perspective can create a monumental movement from victim to empowered. But how?

Awareness comes first, followed by Mastery.

1523322002Step one is Awareness.

Awareness is simple yet incredibly profound. Becoming aware is a building block that quickly becomes your rock-solid foundation helping to catapult you onward and upward to higher perspectives, different thoughts, patterns, new beliefs, etc.

Naturally, this shift helps you begin to flow through the winds of change and the rivers of challenge.

Gained and heightened Awareness occurs from taking a deep dive into self. Through the journey of self-exploration and self-discovery, we unearth ancient wisdom from within, allowing us to fall in love with ourselves. We untether ourselves from the confines, restrictions, containments, and all the things that kept us small and in fear, such as attachment, aversion, and ego.

We free ourselves through Awareness first.

I feel honored to be your guide.

Together, we will buckle up, dive deep, unpack, shift, move, evolve, transform, etc. This transformation will occur through simple yet profound activities and exercises that build your imaginary toolbox. These tools will help you sharpen daily self-care practices that ebb and flow, just like you and the circadian rhythms within our world.

We use an eclectic array of activities and exercises for use and practice during and in between sessions.

Some of these activities include the following:

Law of Attraction (Universal Truth work)

Dharma (Life Purpose work)

Medical Medium (Food is Medicine work)

Louise Hay (Metaphysical work)

Meditation (Spiritual Focus work)

Creativity & Imagination (Play Focus work)

Four Agreements (Life Pillars work)

Pranayama (Breathwork)

Crystals (Earth Energy work)

Tantra (Sacred Sexuality work)

Grounding (Physical Focus work)

Yoga and Yoga Nidra (Body/Mind/Spirit Focus work)


Reiki, Shamanic Practitioner, Spirit Animal, Angel (Energy-Healing modalities work)

Journaling and Intuitive Writing (Mental/Emotional Focus work)

1914007363Mastery takes time.

You do not attain Mastery all at once or in one explosive moment. Mastery is not the final destination.

Mastery is an ongoing, ever-evolving, slow and steady continual focus on commitment to self, fueled by intention for growth and grounded in dedication to discipline. When we pursue Mastery, it is with a level of mindfulness that softly births the Mastery of our beloved self within us, repeatedly.

Once we choose this narrow path and embark on this momentous journey, there is no going back. One cannot un-see, un-hear, or un-know the things unearthed and naturally unfold through gained and heightened Awareness. Gaining such Awareness lends to and supports Mastery of self – that ultimately allows embodiment of freedom, empowerment, sovereignty, and peace.

Awareness is the inner world. Mastery extends to the outer world.

As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without, As the Universe, So the Soul.
─ Hermes Trismegistus

Let’s start your journey today.

I am honored to meet you where you are, bear witness to this magical process, and offer support and guidance along the way.

Call now to schedule your intake session.